6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for their Very First Day of School

6 Ways to Prepare Your Child for their Very First Day of School

As the end of summer approaches, Back to School Excitement is everywhere. For both you and your little one, this time can be both exciting and overwhelming, which is why we’ve pulled together some easy ways to help prepare your child for their very first day of school.

1. Talk About Their Excitement and Fears

Whether your child has been in daycare from an early age or by your side since birth, the idea of “school” is an unfamiliar concept for kids. Sit down with your child and ask them what they are most excited about and most afraid for. Create a plan to deal with their fears, and focus on their excitement in the weeks leading up to the big day.

2. Take Them Back to School Shopping

Even if your child doesn’t really understand the concept of school just yet, you can still garner excitement for their first day with a new Batman lunchbox or Wonder Woman pencil case. Let your little one pick out a few special things that they’ll get to take to school with them every day, or even a new outfit that they can look forward to wearing on their first day of school!

3. Find Friends in Their Class

Get in touch with the parents of your child’s future classmates and arrange a big play date. This will give kids and parents the opportunity to meet each other in a more relaxed setting and hopefully lay the foundation for a few friendships in the classroom. Reassuring your child that at school they will be spending the day with friends they know is a great way to relieve anxiety about being in a new place.

4. Introduce Learning at Home

Learning doesn’t have to wait until the first day of school. There are lots of easy ways to spark your child’s interest in learning from long before then. Set aside time to read with your child as often as you can and plan fun educational activities to do together that are similar to the ones they’ll do in school. To take it a step further, have your child be the teacher for a day and lead you through some of their favorite activities. Point out the importance of listening respectfully and following instructions, as they should be doing in school.

5. Be in Contact with the Teacher

If you or your child is feeling particularly anxious about the first day of school, reach out to the teacher with your concerns. Teachers deal with new students every year and will likely have good ideas about how to make this transition as smooth as possible. Plus, starting a good relationship with the person your child will be in class with everyday will only enhance their education and make you feel more comfortable about letting them go for the first time.

6. Rip off the Band-Aid

When the day finally comes, make your drop-off short and sweet. Whether your child walks in with a smile or throws a giant temper tantrum, it will be easier on everyone in the long run if you don’t linger. Tell your little one you can’t wait to see them when school gets out later, and then say your goodbye and go on with your morning.

Going to school for the first time is always a big change for both kids and their parents, so don’t be too worried if it seems to be taking your little one a while to get used to school. Following the tips above are just some ways to help smooth out the transition, but if you continue to stay in contact with the teacher and talk to your child, you and your child will find comfort in school before you know it!


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