Printable Family Chore Wheel – Downloadable Activity for Kids

Daily chores have never been so exciting. Teach your children the value of responsibility and motivate your entire family to participate when it comes to daily household chores with Delta Children’s Downloadable Family Chore Wheel. Creating this chart with your children is a great rainy day craft and is sure to excite your little one for when it’s time to spin the wheel for the first time! TIP: Let your kids draw some pictures onto the wheel to make creating the chart an even more fun activity.

Make Your Own DIY Printable 3 Member Family Chore Wheel Example

How It Works

Step 1: Download and Print the file that corresponds to the amount of family members participating in your home (3, 4, or 5 Members)

Comment below if you’d like to see a chore wheel with space for more family members!

Step 2: Cut out each of the 3 circles from your printout

Step 3: Fill out the circles

On the Largest Circle: Fill out your daily household chores on the solid lines in each color block. Be sure to stick to chores everyone in the family can complete.

TIP: Add in some chores that are a little more challenging and do these together as a great bonding opportunity and learning experience

TIP: Laminate each circle before writing on them so you can change out the chores each week, month, or season!

On the Middle Sized Circle: Fill out the names of each member who will be participating along the solid lines in each color block.

On the Smallest Circle: Fill out your Family’s last name on the solid line!

Step 4: Poke a hole through the center of each circle and insert a center pin to keep these together. This can be any pin you have around your home, for example: tack, paper fastener, or paper clip.

Step 5: Begin spinning to turn chores into a fun daily family activity!

This is a great no-mess option that will get your kids excited about setting the table for dinner and making their beds!

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