Tips for Helping Kids with Homework & Homeschool Lessons

Homework is a necessary part of school, though not always the best part of your kid's day. Now that kids are completing their lessons from home, it's easy for kids to slack off or get frustrated and discouraged. Thankfully, this new homeschool time doesn’t have to be a battle every day. When parents create routines and set their kids up for success, homework time can become painless, and dare I say, fun.

Get Organized

Kids aren’t going to be able to complete schoolwork at all—successfully or not—without a dedicated, quiet space to do so. Younger kids will have success with a cleared-off kitchen table. An even better choice is their own, kid-sized table they can use for homework daily without getting mixed up in meal preparation madness. As they get older, they'll need a desk in a more secluded space, like their bedroom.

Set aside a tote with basic supplies like rulers and pencils and put it out daily once you're ready to begin homeschool lessons. When kids have everything they need to complete their work within arm’s reach, they’re less likely to get up to look for something and get distracted by toys.

Create a Routine

We all know kids are creatures of habit, and this unprecedented time is no exception. Try to mimic their pre-coronavirus routine in a way that works for your family and stick to it. We recommend a little time to run around every couple hours, followed by snacks. Once you reach the time they usually get home from school, put the books away and focus on play for a couple hours. Wrap up any final lessons, and after dinner is over, give kids free time to spend as they choose, so long as homework has been completed. Plans like this help instill time management skills from an early age, too!

Don’t do it for Them

No parent wants to see their child struggle academically, but one of the worst things you can do is complete their work for them for the sake of earning a higher grade. When parents spoon feed answers to their children, these little students miss out on valuable learning opportunities that could have huge consequences down the road. Homeschooling during the coronavirus quarantine is all about teaching what would have been covered in the classroom. Take advantage of this time to spend extra time on subjects they may be struggling with, or to move quicker through topics that come easily.

Understand their Strengths

Got a kid that rocks at reading? Great! What about one that shines with science? Amazing! By understanding your kid’s strengths, you can help them tackle subjects that might otherwise feel a little foreign to them. For example, if your child understands science better than reading, you can help them pick books that are about science topics they’re interested in, or explain how the elements of a story are similar to a . Once they realize science and reading are intertwined, they’ll be more excited about reading than they were before.

Support what they Learned in the Classroom

Make sure you're constantly referencing any materials that your kids teacher made available to them. If your teacher has your child learning to write with a specific type of pencil at school, buy a pack for them to use at home. If your kids’ teacher is presenting material in a certain way, stick to that method at home too. This is particularly true for math topics. You may think you’re helping them to understand a new topic, but learning too many methods all at once is very confusing, and can ultimately hinder their progress.

Homework and homeschooling don't have to be a struggle, and these tips can certainly help your days run more smoothly. Which methods work best for you and your family? Tell us in the comment section below!

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